Make Plugins
You may extend Jekyde through the following three types of plugins.
- Content plugins for extending Markdown syntax
- Template plugins for creating new Swig tags
- Website plugins for generating more webpages
Content Plugins
The following code is the builtin gist plugin:
jekyde.extend.content(function(site, text){
return text.replace(
/\n\^\^ *gist +(\w+)\n/g,
'<script src="$1.js"></script>'
With this gist plugin, you can insert a gist in your markdown file with a single line like this:
^^gist 12345678
Template Plugins
The following code is the builtin ctime plugin:
jekyde.extend.template('ctime', function(args, content){
return (new Date()).toISOString();
}, false);
With this plugin, you can insert current time into your template file with this code:
{{ ctime }}
Website Plugins
The following code is part of the builtin atom plugin:{
var atom = [
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>',
'<feed xmlns="">',
' <title><![CDATA[' + site.title + ']]></title>',
' <link href="' + + site.root + 'atom.xml" ref="self"/>',
' <link href="' + + site.root + '"/>',
' <id>' + + site.root + '</id>',
' <updated>' + new Date().toISOString() + '</updated>',
return [['atom.xml', atom]];
This plugin generates atom feed file atom.xml
inside root folder.
Your Plugins
You may put your plugins into template/plugin